Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Happy Summer Things

Believe it or not Summer 2010 has been my first summer that I have been working full-time. Before now, I was student, a lover of Greek beaches, a teacher, or a Grad student. But now I am a librarian and libraries are anything but closed in the summer months.

But I have to say, It's been fun. I don't feel like my life is just a long string of workdays tied together by quick weekends. My days are unpredictable, my stresses are minimal and I feel as if I can do whatever I'd like. I love it, actually.

This summer has been so much fun, actually. Sure, there is the side of me that will always miss being in the classroom (as a student, not a teacher) but that's why I spend my mornings outside with a good book or backyard bird watching. And this summer has been so generous. My budget is tight. In fact, some weeks that's an understatement. But we've managed to fit a lot in, with another adventure coming up next week.

I guess that's the beauty in three day weekends, wonderful friends, riding bikes and living in a beautiful place. You don't have to travel far or spend much money to enjoy yourself.

And those pictures are only 2 glimpses of our summer adventures.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Just to a Little Update

Summer seems to be getting away from me. Faster & faster each day. With the weather so beautiful and my mood mostly light, it's hard for me to come home from work each day and think about posting here.

I have much to discuss, but I think it can wait just a little longer. I have pictures galore and tales to tell. I'm off this weekend, so perhaps you'll get some quality writing soon. It doesn't help that the nights that I have my camera on me (and not left somewhere) I don't have my computer and vice versa. This finally after I purchased a new USB cord for it. *sigh* One day I'll have my act together.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Summer Updates

A little bit ago I posted a list of the 20 books I hope to read between Memorial Day & Labor Day. So much of my definition of summer includes sitting outside, on a swing, my nose pressed in a book. And really the only sad thing about my librarian life is that I often work until 8 pm every night. I'm not a morning person, by any means, so this often makes my time outside during the week slim. Sure, I may sit by the window and have my breakfast with a good book. But you won't find me rising at 7 to be presentable for the outside world when I don't actually have to be at work until much, much later in the morning/afternoon. Anyway, I'm still making progress on the list of books, so I thought I'd post an update of where I stand. And the "I-want-to-be-outside" thing is something I've always had in me since I was little when the weather turned nice. Good thing I have all weekend to make up for it.

  • Three Little Words by Ashley Courter-Rhodes (finished)
I loved this sweet memoir about a girl who gets adopted late in life. Pick it up if you enjoy memoirs, stories of struggling childhoods & happy, but not perfect endings.
  • Will Grayson, Will Grayson by John Green & David Leviathan (finished)
The best part about this book was the back & forth between the two Will Grayson characters. Sometimes I liked this more than I thought I would and I guarantee it becomes a movie.
  • The Lost Summer of Louisa May Alcott by Kelly O. McNees (slowly reading)
There is nothing wrong with this book, I should have finished it by now. But other things just keep popping up. I may have to return it this week & pick it up again later in the summer.
  • Orange is the New Black: One Year in a Women's Prison by Piper Kerman (finished)
Kerman was sent to Federal Prison and an old drug charge and this memoir of her time in jail is filled with strong, memorable women. Kerman tells it like it is, understands that she got some type of special treatment sometimes and doesn't go on and an about the drug scene in AMerica, though you do end up knowing what her feelings are
  • Mockingjay by Suzanne Collin
  • Under the Banner of Heaven by Jon Krakaue
  • Sh*t My Dad Says by Justin Halpern (finished)
Hilarious! and I read it in one night! He's the guy who tweeted the stuff his Dad was saying. And I would recommend anyone reading this for good laughs and heartwarming stories
  • The Girl Who Chased the Moon by Sarah Addison Allen (finished)
Filled with mystery, magic, friendship and love. Two women, one young and one-middled aged, find their place in a mystical town. A light, sweet summer read.
  • Delete: The Virtue of Forgetting in the Digital Age by Victor Mayer - Schonberger
  • The Bedwetter: Stories of Courage, Redemption and Pee by Sarah Silverman
  • The Lonely Polygamist by Brady Udall
  • The Long Song by Andrea Levy
  • The Red Pyramid by Rick Riordin
  • Hole in My Life by Jack Gantos
  • Spoon Fed: How Eight Cooks Changed my Life by Kim Severson
  • Poetry Speaks Who I Am by Elise Paschen (finished)
I love poetry books that try to capture younger readers. And this collection is filled with names people should know, and unknown others. It's a nice blend of old and new. And the themes of the poems reflect that poetry just isn't about love and death, it can be anything in any form, and it can be accessible. Not always what young people associate with poetry.
  • The Girl Who Could Fly by Victoria Forester
  • The Postmistress by Sarah Blake (may be giving up on for now)
Just starts off sooo slow & I have sooo many other things to read.
  • How Did You Get This Number by Sloane Crosley
  • The Short Second Life of Bree Tanner by Stephenie Meyer (slowly reading)
It's no secret that Stephenie Meyer is no Jane Austen. But it's clear that she's lacking official writing-talent in this novella. Without Edward & Bella to keep the storyline afloat, it's more awful than I'd ever imagine.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

What I'm Dreaming

This is what I want to be doing today. Add a book & you have my perfect summer dream.

Friday, June 11, 2010

I love Summer Weekends

This weekend appears to be the summer wedding kick-off and though I am only invited to two this year, one is happening tomorrow. It's a great way to remind me how much I love summer weekends packed with people you enjoy.

Things that have/will happen this summer weekend:
  • Explored the 3 Rivers Arts Festival with Adaena over at City Scraps. She's a fellow librarian and I'm so glad we met last year. She's smart, hilarious and a fabulous dresser. I'm glad she joined me for the Arts Fest and she was even a dear when Jim got out his internship early and joined us. She was also at the CLP Extravanga last weekend, dressed up as the River Queen, and is all-around awesome. I hope we see each other more throughout the summer. Oh, and go treat yourself and be sure to read her blog.
  • My senior prom date & smartest-guy-I-know, Mark, is getting married tomorrow to his longtime girlfriend, Jess. I'm super happy for them and can't wait to celebrate with them tomorrow evening. Also, I splurged and bought an additional new dress to wear to their wedding. It's green & I'm in love.
  • I get to see my best-pal, Matt K & his lovely wife (and also super amazing friend) Kari at the wedding! They just adopted a puppy, Vegas, and she's here in Pgh. I wish she could come to the wedding.
  • Summer Reading Clubs start tomorrow at the library. This is the biggest full-force programming we do all year. It's jammed packed with registration, prizes for everyone, in-house games and lots and lots of events. We try to get as many people as possible to sign up and participate. And this year, in addition to having kids & teens programs, we're offering one for adults too. I'm the go-to person in charge of teens & adults and I'm hoping upon hope all goes smoothly tomorrow...and the rest of the summer.
  • Toddler Story Time tomorrow AM. We'll be "Making a Splash @ Our Library" and reading about fish. Also, I have a big tub for the tots to throw some balls in and make a "splash" when I'm reading. Should be interesting.
  • I plan on to cross off one more book on my quest to finish 20 by LaborDay.
Hope you're off to have a super weekend as well!

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

My Secret Love Confession

From Monday to Fridays at 10:00 am on Channel 11, my love appears. Ms. Ellen DeGeneres. Basically I can't get enough of this woman. I started watching American Idol on a regular basis because of her. And even though she wasn't at her best along Simon Cowell, I still admired her jokes and cheerleading. So consider this list my ode to Ellen.

Reasons Why I Love Ellen Degeneres
  • She plays ridiculous games on her show that I would laugh at and win.
  • She laughs at herself, most of her stand-up at the beginning of her shows is all about how ridiculous she is.
  • She clearly loves her wife.
  • She is a cover girl.
  • She gives things away to people, and helps individuals, because it does good. Not once have I ever felt like she does things because it makes her look good.
  • She is a quest for world domination. I am also on my own type of quest.
  • Her motto is to: Laugh. Dance. Live. Tweet. Graduate. Rescue. Recycle.
  • She advocates a Finding Nemo 2.
  • She has hosted the Oscars (a dream).
  • She calls fans at home.
  • All she wants to do is put good things out into the world.
Seriously, you can take Oprah and her book clubs any day, give me Ellen pretending to be a masseuse. I know she's married & I have a boyfriend, I know she lives in LA...but I would love to be on her show, eat dinner with her, spend some time with Ellen.

Monday, June 7, 2010

The Television Shows I Pretend Not to Watch

I like to think that I don't want a lot of television. I can be pretty good at monitoring how much I sit around and just veg out in front of the tube, but I can also be pretty bad about having it on. I'm also really good at working/reading with background noise. I was always the student who liked to have music on when doing homework and I don't like being in a room when it's completely quiet.

Because of this sometimes I end up watching television that is pretty much embarrassing. It's the crappy TV that's out there to pretty much waste our brains. Forget witty, well-written, informed, etc. It's drivel. Thankfully, I only have 3 shows that I like to watch on a regular basis (Glee, HIMYM & Modern Family...throw in Jon Stewart before bed) but if I'm home alone in the middle of the afternoon and I'm tired of CNN, here's what you'll catch me watching.

1. The Real Housewives of New York: Dear God, I've only just got hooked on this show mid-way through this past season but these ladies are all sorts of nuts. There lives are fake, their fights are mind-blowing and their one-liners will have you on the floor. Bethenny is my favorite.

2. 16 & Pregnant/Teen Mom: When 16 & Pregnant first debuted on MTV last year I was a huge supporter of the show. I thought it was a great way for teens to get a close look at what having a baby still in HS could be like. It seemed to be more reality than show. And I felt the same way about Teen Mom's debut. I am worried that after the second season of 16, it will become more like the rest of reality shows MTV does and somehow end up looking "fun" and "easy."

3. QVC: The boy attributes this to a "white trash" sort of quality. And I have to add a disclaimer that I've never actually purchased anything from QVC. But if I'm home alone, working on a library project and just want background noise that isn't music...QVC fits the bill. Esp. if Isaac Mizrahi, Joan Rivers of the Quaker Factory lady is on.

4. American Idol: I never watched a complete season before this year. I love Ellen, what more can I say.

I know you have guilty TV pleasures, share in the comments.